Smart-X Online Decision Support System

The Smart-X Decision Support System by Choiceflows is designed to help businesses recover sustainably and equitably in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The system integrates authoritative data sources and provides them to business owners and decision makers in a single easy-to-use online dashboard.

Smart-X includes a choice modeling research enabled Decision Support System (DSS) based on a Choiceflows designed Volumetric Choice Experiment (VCE), data and modeling for the pandemic. Choiceflows co-founders invented VCE five years ago.

Jointly developed by Choiceflows, Restart Partners and – an announced and operational version of Smart-X can be seen here for the State of Washington in the US:

Smart-X can be quickly adapted and deployed for your region, country, state, county or city.

Key features of Smart-X include:

Over twenty data sources integrated into three indicators and views:

  • Community Health
  • Economic Health
  • Quality of Life

Decision Support Systems (DSS)

  • Smart-X online decision support system for COVID
  • A “what if” simulator and business reopening tool
  • Based on a Volumetric Choice Experiment (VCE) stated preferences survey and model

Selectable languages – base case is six languages including English

Data visualization – statistics come alive and trends can be seen next to each other

Drill down into:

  • Specific counties or described geographic territories or regions
  • Specific business types (SIC codes) base case includes 10 types for selection
  • Data sources